poems by rachel kellum

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2024 Rachel Kellum 2024 Rachel Kellum

two pruning haiku

dusty pungent stalks

last year’s crop of Russian sage

fall to my quick blades

 * * * * *

sneeze, gather white twigs

living ten of wands woman

my burden is light

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2024 Rachel Kellum 2024 Rachel Kellum

Fluxus Score: Instructions for a Couple Over Unknown Duration


Observe his plate of tater tots

while you wait to pray.

Listen to his heavy stream across the house

the water course through pipes

his feet return, full of him. Pray.



Sit in silent witness

of creosote collecting

on the wood stove pane.

Take turns placing your palm

on each other’s thigh.



Nearly halfway

through duration

begin cold plunging.

Gasp together until

a calm carries.



Giggle and kiss each other once again

just to upset the whimpering dog

who wants a kiss goodbye, too

every morning, not jealous of him

but you who gets his first kiss.



Each of you, nearly alternately

lay a log on the fire when coals begin

to die, open the flue until flames rise.

Keep each other warm like this

until your last winter.



Notice when the other

makes the bed, sweeps

cooks, waters seeds

takes out trash.

Say something.



Moan into each other’s ears.



Walk the short loop,

the mid loop, the long loop

for as long as the dog lives.

Notice together or alone

the walk takes you home.

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2024 Rachel Kellum 2024 Rachel Kellum


we have                 tumbled

around          each other

           so long                   we are             smoothed

by                  the other's                grit

more                      and                               more


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Rachel Kellum Rachel Kellum

Eclipse ‘24, for Grey, 24

He has sought

the path of totality,

my son.

He has built

an infrastructure

to worship it,

laid down ropes of power

for the festival.

He will stand beneath

the darkened sun


He knows now,

it doesn’t last long.

I know now,

he will come home.

A raven will shout

something dark

about awe.

Sacred Masculine, 2023, collage, Rachel Kellum

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Rachel Kellum Rachel Kellum

Crossing Tacoma Bridges with My Pregnant Daughter

I notice moss in the cracks of the peeling white footbridge.

Its wooden arms reach across the tracks of trains

that crawl through the belly of Titlow Park. We stop,

hands on the railing, look down, look into the woods

where tracks disappear, look through foliage to the Sound.

Days later, on another walk over Narrows Bridge, I notice twin

crisscross symmetries of early metal towers perched on piers

mirroring newer concrete ones; sage green suspension cables—

sloped, parallel, curving pipes she says her family of firefighters

climb, clipped into handrails, to the tops of tower saddles

where they rappel to the Sound to practice emergency

rescue. It is my privilege to notice only moss and eras

of architecture after a bridge has collapsed, to feel my nerves

jolt with the thought of her precarious ascents and descents.

Beneath, or perhaps, transparently overlaid like thin skin

upon these rare moments of our togetherness, my daughter

also sees bodies leapt upon tracks, a beloved, sad dispatcher

scattered by a train, crushed women and men floating

on the Sound that rushed up like pure despair, that liquid body

like unforgiving, then forgiving, concrete. Every so many yards,

a sign is posted on the bridge that makes a promise:

“There is always hope,” followed by a number to call

that ends with TALK. We don’t. Standing there, suspended,

we span memories of a bullet hole in a wooden floor,

a hoodie pulled up to spare our eyes a rope burned neck.

We take in the view of the ragged, verdant shore, our ears

lashed by traffic’s knives. She says, “I can still hear the frogs….

Listen, what is that called?” Susurrus, I say. We pause. Listen.

“Through the Woods,” by Jason Abington

photo by Carson Diaz

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2024 Rachel Kellum 2024 Rachel Kellum

Lines Before Dawn

When the house is no longer simply a place where I wake

to get ready for work, a launch pad to a school—

and instead, by leisure, has become a dark sky twinkling

constellations of sleeping machines, bright clusters

of red, white, green and blue lights, and I have wandered

into my youngest grown son’s room to find a black hole

where no light switches or charging phones glow—it is time

to step out onto the peeling deck with my forgotten feet,

thin socked, my mother’s silent, soft blanket wrapped around me.

No swishing materials of my body to steal peace, I look up.

Deep space offers its trail of ancient smoke and tiny stars.

Planets I can’t name are aligned, planets I learned earlier online.

There they are. Two meteors draw their lines across the night

like a sweet girl drawing then erasing her marks.

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2024 Rachel Kellum 2024 Rachel Kellum

Size 14 Secret Security

Her love has left his giant boots

in the foyer

for as long as she’s known him.


Clutter, she always thought,

another thing to put in order

until the day he told her


he leaves them where

the window in the door

affords a view to a warning.

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2024 Rachel Kellum 2024 Rachel Kellum


Even wrathful beings start out small—

in this case, like tiny, dehydrated testes,

white and wrinkled, promising

protection despite your lack

of faith. You can’t believe it

when green coins form, shallow bowls

for single rain drops. Such pools

foretell pestilence—the crystal balls

of lady bugs and praying mantises

hunkered down in wait, watching

blood red, orange and yellow

blooms unfold themselves like warm

aureoles, ladies’ fans, lips laced

with pepper—so festive, so sharp

on a salad, a human tongue, so repugnant

to aphids and flies they’ll take

their colonizing fleet elsewhere,

to your naïve neighbors’ garden,

buzzing their national anthem all the way.

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2024 Rachel Kellum 2024 Rachel Kellum

Spring Beauties

Look, Momma, sping booties, sping booties!

~Sage Magdelene, age 3

It is not Groundhog Day exactly.

There are major mistakes to right. I cannot.


No endless re-tries or deadening repetitions.

No escape. It is just these seven small rooms,


full of the dust and scent of living—coffee,

salty sheets, cut pine, March dog, wood smoke.


It is these sandy trails where daily I greet

my own shoe tread of yesterday,


notice my gait, step off-register, new.

It is the real smile in my love’s morning eyes,


that softness he reserves for me, my hands.

It is my body remembering three toddlers’


heft in night dreams, that sweet grief.

It is the checking of screens for evidence


of their fractal lives spinning presence

off of me, our curving Mandelbrot set


of mothers, my first grandchild sprouting.

It is the digital taking-in of their encounters


with simple, complicated, horrible beauty,

that glimpse of what they do, now grown,


with epigenetic inheritance, that best thing

I had to give. Look, I would say. Look.


This little pink flower, this bliss, this thick sadness,

this roaring rage, let’s look at it together,


squat before it pink and green on solid feet,

shake songs from chromosomal chains and winter.


Let’s sigh, touch the fragile petals.

They won’t stay long. Look, there they go.

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