poems by rachel kellum

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2012 2012

So that I may better love him

The moon in my blood
is not afraid

of the shadowy tents
of your crowded refugee camp,

the stolen doorknobs
of your childhood hospital,

the quiet drawers
of your small corporation,

the crumbling walls
of your rainbow monastery.

It calls them out by name,
locks eyes, says

Tell me why. Take me
to your leader

so that I may kiss
his shining, edgeless face.

with thanks to Valerie Haugen for most of the seventh stanza

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2012 2012


being a child of many pneumonias
bearer of my mother’s tales
of those who fell asleep and never woke
lungs full of death’s water

scarf wrapped tight around neck and mouth
hood up, gloves tucked, buttoned to the throat
I rolled out three forbidden white globes
and made my first frozen man.

A rebel glowing
with countless chest xrays
lungs unstung by cold
I learned how snow sticks to snow

how to tell the truth
of righteous disobedience
for there he stood and I
would not tear us down.


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2010, 2012 2010, 2012


Snow lies upon
tries to cover

whiten our desire.
Desire becomes

only more pronounced
stark red grove

reaching, sagging
wet weight, all

else erased. Even sky.
I, too, have watched it

disappear only to find it
widen inside.


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2008, 2012 2008, 2012

magic for inducing labor

open every cabinet, door
all your precious boxes

kiss the jewels inside their bellies
treasure trunks, unlock them

oil every squeaky drawer
windows, open yawning

overfill your tea cups, bowls
spill them into earthen hollows

belly’s fleshy gate will follow
listen for the ancient knocking


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2012, Bönpo-ems 2012, Bönpo-ems

Vision of the Great Mantra

The lazy, dozing deities
and dull knived killers
of my body

the whining pin throats
and misled, missled gods
of my body

the leg humping dogs
and hand wringing humans
of my body

wear every single cell—
each a full body halo
gone orb rainbow

in the great eye
of my body.
There is no place within

I can’t wake. I walk
through the congregation
of my body

like a forest
where everyone sits
under trees half grinning.


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2012 2012

Linguistics Lesson

In the dark in my bed
too late for a full night’s rest
my nine year old son
confessed quietly, brightly:

tomato and potato
have always confused me
but now I see their beginnings
are cousins
and their endings
are twins.

I woke up in the morning’s dark
knowing this is true for all
our beginnings and ends
and touched his sleeping head.


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2012 2012


In your rush
to shelve
four dishes
three pans
six glasses
your morning
you mistake
a full glass
on the counter
for empty
Water spills
at your feet
You don’t wince
or regret
this extra work
watch the blue
rag soak dark
and slow
a cleaner floor


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2012 2012

Call It What You Will

We’ve prayed with folded arms and mirrored palms
Prostrated, foreheads stinging on the dirt
Meditated silence into sky

We’ve whirled in white toward the inner still
Arranged stones, feathers, candles, shells, and called
Cast love spells and stirred hopeful steaming pots

We’ve drummed the huge heart down dark tunnels
Sweat our prayers dripping into earth
Sung, arms wide, hands loud and mouths great Os

We’ve danced in flaring circles, swayed alone above the hole
Strummed every animal and earthborn string to song
Interlaced our lips and tongues and breasts and bones

We’ve walked the humming walk up every mountain
Rummaged numbered pages with blind fingers
Scribbled obscure words curled outside lines

We’ve painted, planted more than we can see or seed
Gathered lost scraps and sewn them into one
Wielded every kind and lethal tool

All to feel the all move through.


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