The Last Cut in Our Limited Series

A shared glance of joie de vivre

then turning back to what we do:

the book, the broom, the pen, the seed,

the plate, the drill, the trail, the moon, 

the sprout, the dog, the tune, the leaf,

the pill, the wash, the snow, the croon,

the call, the pan, the sigh, the cream,

the tea, the cloud, the deer, the room,

the egg, the wine, the bill, the screen,

the sink, the child, the road, the bloom,

the grill, the pine, the hen, the weed,

the wood, the soil, the hand, the shoe,

the fire, the nap, the cat, the creek,

the bowl, the knife, the rib, the coop,

the prayer, the salt, the dome, the peak,

the leg, the rhyme, the fish, the tooth,

the smoke, the time, the rain, the sleep,

adieu, adieu, adieu, adieu.


A Party of Pinyon Jays


Past Fifty