Ways and Windows

There is a way to do dishes

              a way to make a bed for friends

              a way to play ukulele

              a way to feed birds beyond a window

There is a way to be stolen

              a way to stroke black glass

              a way to starve a lover

              a way to get lost in little windows

There is a way to hold a first grandson

              a way to sing him soft

              a way to wave from far away

              a way to be a cracked, smiling window

There is a way to write a thousand poems

              a way to move the pen

              a way to give the voice a bed

              a way to backspace across windows

There is a way to walk a sandy trail to town

a way to crack a piñon nut with teeth

a way to notice autumn mist

a way to not reflect upon a window


The Children’s Highway


Crestone Poetry Festival is around the corner…