Mosquito Yoga
Challenger Peak blinding white is dreaming
of mosquitos famous black swarms
chasing me whining down dirt streets
slapping air the local yogi once said offer
your body to their stings nude willingly
let them feed they will agree
to leave you alone all summer I have no
faith in blood suckers’ good nature
forgive me last year our first here
no snow no mosquitos just smoke
I won’t lie I was glad to garden mosquito
free no silent back of the knee stings
or tiny needle songs I was glad but now
the snow more snow People can’t last
outside even for minutes! What the hell
is going on with Global Warming? an idiot
tweets Please come back fast, we need you!
as though warm earth only means
heat Challenger named for that famous
wreck lost teacher brilliant frost in my living
room window storm after storm
will begin the slow trickle Crestone creeks
will weave into mosquito songs build
mosquito condos I will stay indoors
or slather scented oils desperate poisons
on my skin to weed my garden
grateful the valley woke up from my
selfish mosquitoless dream and
towhees will drink drink drink their tea